Aggressive Drivers in Connecticut

Walker Injury Law
Mar 31, 2023

Road rage and aggressive driving present some of the most dangerous hazards on our roads today. Unfortunately, many people have had to deal with aggressive drivers on the road - and in some cases, these encounters have led to tragic outcomes. Aggressive driving is defined as any unsafe or illegal operation of a motor vehicle that puts other drivers at risk. It can include speeding, tailgating, illegal passing, and weaving in and out of traffic. Road rage goes a step further by involving reckless behavior that not only endangers other drivers but also potentially escalates violence between them.

While many people may think of road rage as an issue associated with younger drivers, it is actually something that affects all ages. From distracted drivers to those under the influence, anyone can become an aggressive driver and put others in danger. It is important for all of us to recognize the warning signs of road rage and do our best to prevent it from escalating before someone gets hurt.

What to do if You Encounter an Aggressive Driver

aggressive drivers in CT

If you find yourself in a situation with an aggressive driver on the road, there are steps you can take to try and de-escalate the situation and remain safe.

Remain Calm

Do not respond aggressively in kind. This could further escalate the situation and lead to potentially dangerous outcomes. If possible, move out of their way and try to avoid them. Avoid eye contact, and concentrate on driving. 

Don't Engage

If they continue to follow you or drive in an aggressive manner, do not engage by honking your horn or making any other gestures that might provoke further aggression from the driver. Instead, slow down and pull off the road if possible--this will give you time to gather yourself and can also potentially stop the aggression from escalating further.

Keep Your Distance

Do your best to create some distance between yourself and the driver. It is not always easy to keep calm in these situations, but getting into a different lane is likely going to be your most secure option. Doing so will help ensure that both parties remain safe on the roadways.

Contact the Police

It is also important to call the police or 911 if you are in an emergency situation and feel unsafe. The police can provide assistance and take appropriate action to address the situation. In addition, try to memorize the license plate number of the other car and any distinguishing features such as make and model. Take advantage of your car's phone connection to utilize voice-to-text and quickly text yourself any information you need. Or, you can use the voice record function on your phone. This can be helpful if you need to report the incident later.

Can you Sue Someone for Road Rage in Connecticut?

In some cases, it is possible to sue someone for road rage in Connecticut. The state of Connecticut has recognized the seriousness of road rage and aggressive driving and thus allows victims to seek compensation from those responsible for their losses. Depending on the severity of your injury or damages caused by the other driver's actions, you may be able to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, or even punitive damages.

Additionally, if you are a victim of road rage in Connecticut and the other driver is charged and convicted of a crime, you may be able to file a civil suit against them. It is important to note that any personal injury claims made due to a road rage accident are completely separate and distinct from any criminal proceedings the driver may face. Even if the road rage driver isn't found guilty in a criminal case, you can still be successful with your civil claim. However, having a criminal conviction on his record may add more weight to prove your accident was caused by him.

Gather as much evidence as possible.

To support your claim for damages, you must provide evidence of the other driver's reckless and erratic behavior. Testimony from the people who were present at the scene of the accident, video footage (if available), and an official police report are important pieces of evidence that can be used to prove liability in a car crash. The police citation is especially significant as it implies fault on behalf of another driver.

Road Rage Accident? Talk to a Connecticut Auto Accident Attorney

It's important to be aware of how dangerous road rage can be and take steps to prevent it from escalating further. If you are ever faced with a situation involving an aggressive driver, remain calm, create distance between yourself and the other driver, and contact the police if necessary.

When aggressive driving escalates to road rage and causes an accident, it can be overwhelming and disorienting to understand the next steps. Once you've contacted the police and handled any medical concerns, It is crucial to speak to an experienced
Connecticut personal injury attorney to understand your rights under the law. Depending on the circumstances, you could be eligible to receive compensation.

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